blue cartoon dog detecting skin flakes

A lot more than you would think, probably. πŸ’‘

Man trailers are highly skilled dogs that can pick up a scent of a human being and follow their trail. The reproducibility of this method is sometimes debated, but for once let’s not focus on reproducibility here. The very fact that dogs can sense skin shed and other particles is all we need to know.

Ok, but what does that have to do with cell culture labs?

Every second of our lives, we shed skin flakes and particles into our surrounding. Some of them remain suspended in the air, others sink down.

Exposed skin inside the sterile workbench is a bad idea. We can’t see them but they are there, the skin shed and particles we constantly lose. They are swirled up πŸŒͺ️, blown down, some of them are sucked into the ventilation, but some of them settle straight down into opened medium bottles, culture flasks and plates 🧫🧫.

Therefore, we always cover our skin with clean lab coat sleeves πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ”¬πŸ‘¨πŸΎβ€πŸ”¬ and disinfected gloves 🧀, and if needed even sleeve covers when we work in the cell culture laboratory.


Man trailers would know why. ☝️

(Btw, we were told that skilled dogs are happy dogs πŸ‘πŸ˜‰)


Author: asban

#mantrailer #lablife #cellculture #aseptictechnique #cellculturetraining #skinshed #laminarhood #labcoat #gloves #edta #mint #dogs