A person in red shirt and blue trousers sitting under a tree and reading a book, with mountains in the background, sun and blue sky and a satellite.

International Day of Education 📚 – Urgently needed Changes? 🤔

Education is a human right.

We acquire knowledge, skills and values through learning. #Education allows us to develop #criticalthinking and #creativity. It empowers the individual and enriches society. Education breaks the cycle of #poverty and promotes #genderequality and #inclusion. 🤗

Why shouldn’t we support education in every possible way? Not only with financial resources, but also with an open mind to new concepts? 👀

For those who went to school in the seventies, eighties and nineties: How much of what you learned do you still apply today? More than you probably think, because let’s face it: math and memorizing ballads are solid skills and have been shown to play an important part for the cognitive development of the brain of children. 🧠💗

Neuroscientists therefore advocate not neglecting brain stimulation ☝. Even ancient Greek philosophers 🏛️ knew that certain basic knowledge is required to be able to participate in a discussion.

But the world is changing dramatically 🌏🌪️ and if we do not change the concept of education, education will be left behind. We urgently need to adapt our education system to make it fit for the future by incorporating new technologies 🚀 without abandoning tried and tested methods 🛞.

Future-proof education will emphasize

+  creativity 🎨

+  digital literacy and integration of technology 📱

+  critical thinking and problem solving 🎯

+  lifelong and interdisciplinary learning 🌳

+  personalized learning 🧩

+  social and emotional learning ☺️☺️

+  cultural competence and global citizenship 🌐

+  sustainability and environmental awareness 🌺

Sounds like an exciting future for education, doesn’t it? 🛸


#InternationalDayOfEducation #CriticalThinking #Creativity #Poverty #GenderEquality #Inclusion #Digitalization #EducationTechnology #LifeLongLearning #Skills

Author: asban