Yes, we can. Here is why. 👉
A project is “a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose” according to #CambridgeDictionary. 📚📚
Well, they could be talking about experiments, right? 😊
After all, an experiment has to be
– planned 📝
– executed 🎯
– and finished within a certain period of time. 📅
But there is more to it. ☝
In project management it is said that “1 min of planning saves 10 min of execution. This gives you a 1000 % return on energy (Brian Tracy).”
That pays off, doesn’t it 😳? So, by investing #time for planning you actually accelerate the execution time later on with your experiment 🚀🚀🚀.
Planning includes incorporating slack time, as the unexpected always comes up unexpectedly, as well as periodic controlling with inbuild warning systems. So, if something gets out of hand, you are warned in time. 🚨
Pro tip: Plan your personal deadlines days, if not weeks before the official deadline. You will be amazed by the benefits! ✨
👉 The bottom line is, there is simply no reason not to invest in planning an experiment thoroughly.
Good #planning and a #structured approach do not make you a bad researcher! 👍👩🏻🔬
#Experiment #ProjectManagement #Deadline #Research #Science #STEM #MINT #CellCulture #LabLife
Author: asban