
Nomenclature matters! ☝💡

2024-11-19|Categories: Blog|

“Has anyone seen the formaldehyde?” 👀

“Yes, I have it. I’m almost done. Would you like me keep it in the fume hood for you?”

“Yes, please. Thanks!”

[few minutes later… ]

“Hey, that’s formalin, not formaldehyde!”

“Yeah, that’s the same thing, you can use it!”


Is it? Of course not. Formaldehyde is HCHO, and formalin is an aqueous solution of HCHO. But there are also people who think that paraformaldehyde and formaldehyde are the same. Even experienced people. 🤦‍♀️

Water your plants 🪴 with H2O2 and see if it is as wholesome as H2O. Some really smart people invented nomenclature to […]

Liquid Nitrogen Cell Storage Tank Deep Clean

2024-11-08|Categories: Blog|

A person in white lab coat, face shield, and heavy cryoprotective apron in front of a liquid nitrogen cell storage tank and vapour condensing.

The liquid nitrogen tank in which cell stocks are stored at bone-chilling –196 °C degrees 🧊, needs a deep clean every 2-3 years 🧹. Every time the tank is opened, atmospheric humidity condenses ☁️, and forms snowflakes ❄️❄️❄️.

Over time, these snowflakes gather in the tank and make handling of the cell towers more difficult. But, more importantly, the temperature sensor cannot operate correctly, if there is too much snow in the […]

Happy Halloween – The Zone of Transformation ☄

2024-10-31|Categories: Blog|

Carved blue Halloween Pumpkin smiling, in front of orange background “Happy Halloween The Zone of Transformation”, and spider hanging from the moon.

While transition periods have been celebrated in most cultures, transformation itself can be playing with fire 🔥. The result may be our aim, but the path can be rough 🛣️. Therefore, cautiousness and mandatory protection of everything precious during transformation has always been key ⚠.

Cells often undergo transformation, differentiation, mutation. Beware! Protect your cells from evil spirits and ghostly invasions such as bacteria and fungi, and – worst of all – bad practices 👻👻👻!

May your […]

What do man trailers 🐶 and cell cultures 🔬 have in common?

2024-10-22|Categories: Blog|

blue cartoon dog detecting skin flakes

A lot more than you would think, probably. 💡

Man trailers are highly skilled dogs that can pick up a scent of a human being and follow their trail. The reproducibility of this method is sometimes debated, but for once let’s not focus on reproducibility here. The very fact that dogs can sense skin shed and other particles is all we need to know.

Ok, but what does that have to do with cell culture labs?

Every second of our lives, we shed skin flakes and particles into our surrounding. Some of them remain […]

Time travel is now possible! 🛸 Ready to board? 💺💺 🚀

2024-10-03|Categories: Blog|

We have exciting news!!! 📣

We,, have the unique opportunity to participate in a future journey, organized by the WKO International Trends & Innovation, Technology Cooperation and Innovation Services.

These future journeys are a fantastic initiative of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO Aussenwirtschaft). The destinations are selected after meticulous research of #trends 📈 and #developments 📊 in other countries and allow participants to learn from #trendsetting countries that are ahead of the curve ☄.

We do not know what the future holds, but we are heading towards it. 🧗‍♀️🧗‍♀️

Time travel is now possible! 👜💨

Destination […]

Presenting lablife at IPLASS and CTESS Joint International Conference

2024-09-26|Categories: Blog|

We presented at IPLASS and CTESS Joint International Conference “New Horizon in Cell and Tissue Engineering and Perinatal Derivatives”.

The consensus wherever we talk to people is, yes, training students or other newcomers to the cell culture laboratory is enormously time consuming. ⏰ Everyone who has ever done one-on-one-trainings in the laboratory, knows this. 💡

💪 Let’s make our lab lives a little easier.

💪 Let’s have our students and newcomers to the lab watch lablife videos first, before they receive their lab training.

💪 Let’s use our precious time for other things.

💪 Let’s enjoy […]

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