lablife Learning Toolboxes

Are you ready to enter the cell culture lab? Have you thought of everything? With good preparation, you can already set the course for your experiments later. Here is a checklist for before you enter and before you leave the cell culture lab. Please adjust this checklist to your own situation, if needed.
Everything you do in the cell culture lab is aimed at a successful experiment. This makes it all the more important to plan each experiment well and carry it out in the best possible way. We do not want to waste time, energy and resources, if we can avoid it. Complete this checklist with points that are important for your own situation.
In this Learning Toolbox you will find many example images of different cell confluency, ranging from 4 % to 100 %. This will help you learn to estimate your cell confluency faster and easier.
Some of us panic when we suspect a contaminant roaming our culture. Don’t let this happen to you, it doesn’t help. Find out whether you really have a contamination, and then follow the protocol of what to do in such a situation. With this Learning Toolbox you can find out, if your unidentified floating object (“UFO”) in your culture could really be a contaminant.
In this Learning Toolbox, we calculate the number of cells in a cell pellet. We also look at different ways of calculating the split ratio.
Here, we do another calculation of cell numbers of a cell suspension. It is similar to the Learning Toolbox “Calculation 1”, but with slightly different dilution conditions.
In this Learning Toolbox, we calculate how many grams of different substances we have to weigh in for a certain molar concentration, because we want to prepare an erylysis buffer.
Here, we calculate the molar concentration of two different substances. One is MgSO4 anhydrous (MgSO4) and the other contains water (MgSO4.7H2O). Do you have to incorporate the 7 H2O into your calculation, and if so, how do you do that?
This is a step-by-step guide on how to change the medium of a cell culture flask. You will find a lot of tips and reminders for this routine procedure in the cell culture lab.
Similar to “Protocol 1“, we will change the medium, but here we have a 96 well plate and will use a multiwell pipette.
In this Learning Toolbox, we passage adherent cells step-by-step, with a lot of tips and hacks and reminders of do’s and don’ts.