What an incredible experience for the team of lablife.video!! 🙃💫

The minister delegation under Prof. Dr. Martin Kocher, Federal Minister of Labour and Economy, Austria, and the business delegation, carefully thought out and put together by the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) and ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA INDIA, visited business, technology and innovation hubs in Bengaluru and Delhi. 🇦🇹 🇮🇳

We spent the week visiting renowned research institutions 🏛️, training centers 🖌️🖥️ and government facilities 🏢, talking to inspiring researchers 🔬 and passionate professors 👨🏻‍💻, enjoying warm hospitality ☕️ and fantastic Indian food! 🥗🌯

lablife is already planning the next trip to India ✈️🧡🤍💚🇮🇳😊.

Special thanks to
Hans-Jörg Hörtnagl, Bernd Andersson, Ajay Singh, Doris Jones, Ravi Shankar Nandi, Shilpa Banga, Ranjan Budhiraja